Progressive Lenses at Prudhomme Vision
There’s no escaping the forward motion of time — which means that for most people, there’s no escaping presbyopia. This age-related lens issue causes focus problems that make near vision more difficult and fatiguing. If you also have another refractive error that requires correction, you may need specialized eyeglasses that offer multiple corrective fields. But the age of old-fashioned bifocals and trifocals has given way to a more advanced option called progressive lenses. Prudhomme Vision can fit you with progressive lenses that suit your specific needs.
What Are Progressive Lenses?
Once upon a time, vision correction for presbyopia required people carry multiple pairs of lenses around. Benjamin Franklin solved that problem by creating the first pair of bifocals. Traditional bifocals contain two different corrective fields, one for close work and the other for distance viewing. Trifocals added a third segment for intermediate distances. But these glasses have certain drawbacks. The clear delineation between segments can create awkward “jumps” between distance fields, while the presence of those telltale lines are a dead giveaway that you’ve reached middle age when presbyopia first strikes.
Progressive lenses do away with those separate corrective segments. A progressive lens offers a smooth gradation of all distances. Distance viewing is usually placed toward the top of the lens, with closer ranges coming into focus further down the lens in a narrow “corridor” aligned with each pupil. The final result looks like single-vision glasses to others while giving you uninterrupted visual clarity at any distance.
Getting Progressive Lenses from Our Optometrist in South Windsor, CT
The first step in getting any corrective eyewear is a comprehensive eye and vision exam here at Prudhomme Vision. Our optometrist in South Windsor, CT, Dr. Prudhomme, will diagnose any presbyopia, determine your basic corrective prescription, and add a certain degree of magnification for near viewing. we will then check your pupil alignment carefully so the finished progressive lenses will have the corrective corridor lined up perfectly.
Progressive lenses take some getting used to, even if you’re familiar with bifocals and trifocals. The fact that the corrective corridor runs down the center of the lens means that peripheral vision may seem blurry at first. Progressive lens wearers learn to turn their heads to look directly at objects for optimal clarity. You may notice that your field of vision seems to “swim” as you turn your head, but the brain soon learns to ignore this phenomenon.
Call Our Optometry Clinic!
Do you think you might be ready to experience state-of-the-art vision correction, in the form of progressive lenses? Call our optometry clinic at (860) 644-3364 for professional evaluation and advice!